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Do you Hate your Job?

February 12, 2016

Feeling demotivated and uninspired about your job?

Want a system that will make your motivation at work shoot up the roof?Do you feel demotivated and uninspired about your job so much you find your self thinking sometimes “I hate your job!”You’re not the only one. Many people out there share the same feeling and I did so many years ago.Although i was running a very successful business that was turning over multi-million dollars and winning awards, but I did not feel inspired and I did not feel fulfilled, it felt always like something is missing until I realized that living a passionate life is about being very resourceful and utilizing every single element around me to get me to where I wanna get to.On this week’s episode I share with you a simple system that I developed which will make your motivation at work shoot up the roof and teach you how to “use what you have to get what you want!”Once you enjoy it pay it forward and share this episode with others who need it!Live PassionatelyMoustafa HamwiHello everyone and welcome back to Passion Sundays, the best way to end the week and start another.So tell me, do you feel demotivated about your job, uninspired, or even really, really hate your job? Well, you know what, you’re not the only one.Many people out there share the same feeling and I did so many years ago. I mean, I was running a very, very successful business. I was a partner in a business that was turning over multi-million dollars and I was winning awards, but I did not feel inspired and I did not feel fulfilled. It felt always like something is missing but I did not know what that thing was.Now it took me many years to find the kind of work that makes me tick and makes me really happy and one thing I learned on this journey is that it’s also very, very easy to always blame external factors for your unhappiness.The first thing you gotta do to find work that you really like or find motivation in your current situation is know what is it that you really love doing. Now if you don’t know, I would recommend you go back and watch the episode about finding your passion.So I’m gonna only answer to those who really know what they like. Now if you know what you like, ask yourself how is my current situation as much as I’m unhappy about it, how is that helping me pursue my passion?And please do not tell me it does not, because if you’re saying so, you’re being very, very ungrateful and un-resourceful.See a passionate life is about being very resourceful and utilizing every single element around you to get you to where you wanna get to.How about that your current job is paying your bills, giving you steady income, giving you a desk to work from, giving you colleagues to talk to, giving you managers to guide you, as much as you might not really like them every day but they’re giving you guidance.There are so many things that your current job is offering you. So why aren’t you using that to get to the next stage of your life?Now am I’m gonna help you with a little exercise that will make you see the blessings in your current situation and definitely raise your motivation about your current job. For that you’re gonna need a pen and paper or open a table on your computer.On the paper draw a table of two columns.On the left side of the column, write every single task that you’re doing in your current job today, something like calling clients, sending emails, writing reports, and so on. So write the top ten tasks that you do on a daily basis.On the right opposite side, I want you to write how is this specific task helping you achieve and pursue your passion.Now that takes a bit of creative thinking. So think about on the left side you’ve got calling clients and if you’re passion is to become a speaker for example, you would think, me speaking to clients on the phone is me practicing and rehearsing my speaking skills. So suddenly you write, practicing speaking skills.So you use the same exact creative thinking on every single item on the top ten tasks that you do daily. And I promise you, the more you find links between your current situation and how it’s helping your passion, your motivation is gonna shoot up the roof. Sometimes, the demotivation at work comes from the fact that you are in so much of a hurry to get to your passion and you forget that it took you so many years to get to where you are today.You gotta be patient and give yourself time to get to your passion and sometimes you’re just not taking any action.Whichever one it is, I promise you if you do the exercise I gave you, your motivation is gonna increase.And as I wrap up, I will leave you with one takeaway to tweet and remember.“Do the best you can with all you have and use what you have to get what you want”What do you think?I would really love to hear your opinion. How did you get over not liking your job?Share your stories with our community and if you would like to stay engaged, then join our social media channels. And if you’ve got any questions, feel free to send them to me and I would love to answer them.And if you even want more valuable resources and exclusive interviews, go to and subscribe to our Passion Sundays newsletter.Until the next episode, live passionately.Moustafa Hamwi

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Moustafa Hamwi - Keynote Speaker, Coach, Author