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One-on-One Coaching For VisioNARY UNDERDOGS

Unleash Your


At any point in time, I coach a select group of passionate entrepreneurs and leaders who are driven to elevate their game.
It’s exciting to see what you are doing Moustafa and the influence you are having on the world.
Stephen M. R. Covey
The New York Times and #1 Wall Street Journal bestselling author
I love Moustafa’s work, he tackles the topic of dealing with your emotional baggage, and does it in a simple & practical way.
Marisa Peer
Globally acclaimed therapist & Founder of RTT
Moustafa is one of the great 100 leaders & coaches of the future.
Dr. Marshall Goldsmith
World’s #1 Executive Coach

I'm here to help you master your destiny

My genuine care, tough love and methodical approach is what delivers results.
Working with me liberates you from negative cycles & emotional baggage weighing you down, offers clarity on your goals & aspirations; and cultivates mindset mastery.
One thing I learned while working with some of the world’s most successful people is that:
“Passionate people do not wait for life to happen to them; they happen to life.”
If this sounds like you, then I’m your guy.
Moustafa Hamwi - Keynote Speaker, Coach, AuthorMoustafa Hamwi - Keynote Speaker, Coach, Author
But... coaching isn’t for everyone
There are no shortcuts to anywhere worth going, so before connecting I expect you to take 100% ownership which means you are committed to three things:
💯 Courage
Being brutally honest when you face yourself in the mirror taking 100% ownership of the results
💯 Humility
You ask for help when you need it, you receive the help given and not be defensive or overly sensitive
💯 Discipline
To do what it takes to deliver on agreements, no excuses
Together, we will propel you toward your goals - it’s not a matter of IF but WHEN
Check You Qualify
If I can give you one piece of advise: if you lack passion call Moustafa!
Fons Trompenaars
World’s Leading Authority on Corporate Culture
Moustafa...Mr. Passion!
Professor Tony Buzan
Inventor of Mind Mapping Nobel Peace Prize Nominee
One of the few individuals that truly understands the power of passion and is making a real difference in the world.
John Mattone
World’s #1 Authority on Intelligent Leadership

What make Moustafa unique

When lived experience meets world class credentials

Moustafa’s expertise covers diverse disciplines including a successful corporate career, serial entrepreneurial ventures, solid coaching education and a variety of adventure sports experiences.
His quest for self-discovery regularly leads him to learning and meditation centres worldwide, exploring the intricacies of mind, body, and soul.
Moustafa’s distinctive lifestyle as an executive nomad has him traversing the globe, often spending months living out of a camper van, immersing himself in diverse cultures and forging a deep connection with nature.
Moustafa Hamwi - executive nomadMoustafa Hamwi with Jimmy CarterMoustafa Hamwi - skydivingMoustafa Hamwi - Thinkers 50

Professional Qualifications

Executive Coaching Certificate
Marshall Goldsmith, Stakeholder Centered Coaching
Executive Coaching Certification
Sherpa Institute
Diploma of Yoga Teaching
Australian Yoga Academy
Food As Medicine
Monash University (online)
Hypnosis Practitioner
American Board of Hypnotherapy
Certified NLP Practitioner
The Association for Neuro Linguistic Programming, American Board of NLP
Timeline Therapy Practitioner
Time Line Therapy Association
Highly experienced in variety of meditative therapies
Certified Sound Healer
Certified in CPR, First Aid, Emergency life support
Forest Healing practitioner (Shinrin-yoku)
Moustafa Hamwi - motorcyclingMoustafa Hamwi yoga instructorMoustafa Hamwi with Robert Kiyosaki

Media Experience

Expert guest on several major TV channel on topics including entrepreneurship, business, and mindset
Host of sports TV-show (Dubai)

Active Experiences

Experienced adventurer
Avid mountain biker
Certified in Skydiving B-license
Certified paragliding pilot
Motor Racing – California Superbike School, Level 2
Tai Chi disciple