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How to create a Passion Tribe that help you succeed in life

September 25, 2016

Several top categories of people you want on your Passion Tribe and how to avoid the energy vampires

On the journey of a passionate life you have to make sure you surround yourself with a group of people who will support you rather than hold you back, I like to call them the Passion Tribe.It is made up from several categories of people and I will explain whom they are and how to find them. I will also explain to you about the 1 kind of people that you do not want on your passion tribe, this kind I call the “energy vampires”A small note of caution, do not get attached to your tribe and stay focused on your passion, the tribe is there to help you and make the journey fun and equally you need to play your part.So go ahead and click here if you want to find out the categories of people to be in your Passion Tribe from the boo; don’t forget to share it around and spread the passion.Live PassionatelyMoustafa HamwiPassionpreneur & Chief Energy Officer


Hello everyone and welcome back to Passion Sundays- the best way to end a week and start another.The amazing inspirational speaker and coach, Jim Ron said, "you are the average of the five people you hang around the most". And on the journey of passionate success, you need to make sure you surround yourself with the best five people you can ever imagine. This is what I call a passion tribe and I will share with you now how to build such an amazing passion tribe that will guarantee you success and joy together.Now, you have multiple kinds of people you want on this tribe. They do not belong to the same kind of people. The first kind of people you want on this tribe is people that are sharing the same value system as you are; people that appreciate the same things you do appreciate because that means both of you are on the same wavelength. The second kind of people you want are people that are on the same journey or have done the journey or are starting the journey similar to the one you are. Now that does not mean they have to exactly be doing the same thing that you are doing. But let's say you are through a career transition, you want people that are going through career transition. Now, doesn't have to be the same career as you are, either before or after. But the fact that they are going through a career transition means they understand you and they feel your pains and you can brainstorm with them and they will sympathize with you. Now the third kind of people you want on your journey are people that have the same interests, the same aspirations as you are. Think fan groups, you gotta go online and offline and find people that enjoy what you enjoy and bond with them.First thing it’s gonna make your life a lot more fun than having to hang around people that do not even understand what you're talking about. Now in general, these can be fan groups, these can people that like things or people that you like. So, let's say, you are following people that are following Passion Sundays, the probability is, you're gonna click with them and because both of you are looking for the same thing. Now, on the other hand, you have a professional type of passion group supporters. These are coaches, speakers and mentors. And these are very crucial to the success of your passion journey. Why? Simply think about sports champions. How many of them have coaches? Guess what? All of them have coaches. Why? Because to be able to be successful in life you need people that know more that you about the journey that you are doing. And when there are professional, they do not have the emotional attachment that you have to your journey or that the other people might have, which means they can look very clearly at what you're doing and be able to guide you. Also, it's very important that every time they disconnect and come back to you, they have a fresh perspective coming from a very professional scientific background and they are sharing experiences from hundreds and thousands of hours that they have spent working on the topic they are supporting you on. So do make sure you get yourself a coach or a mentor and follow speakers that will inspire you to change your life.Now, there is one kind of people that you do not want in your passion tribe. And I mean, do not want as in, run for your life. These are the naysayers, the haters, the jealous people and people who are afraid and wanna project their fear on you. These funny enough end up being most of the time your old time friends unless they are evolving as much as you are. They end up dragging you down and stuck in the old memories and the old stories. I mean, don't get me wrong, nostalgia is beautiful as long as it serves you. And if you enjoy that, then so be it. But if you really want to be successful, you have to make sure you are associating with successful people. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying ditch your old friends or ditch your family members. All I'm saying is, when it comes to your success journey, you want to make sure you’re getting professional support and professional help. I mean imagine if you have a multimillion dollar deal and you go talk to your mom about it. I mean she loves you more than anybody else in the world, but does she have the right support system and the right knowledge to be able to give you the right advice, probably not. So I am not questioning their intentions.What I'm talking about more of their attention and ability. So just make sure you surround yourself with the right people and run for your life from what I call the zombies and the naysayers that will drain you. And I promise you, they are one of the most dangerous people, you can keep around you. So make sure you pluck them out. Now one thing also to be careful here, it's beautiful to build a passion tribe around you. But guess what, do not get attached to that passion tribe. We are all travelers in this life and at a point of time, we end up going our own way for one reason or another. And a lot of time that is because of agendas change, some people get married, some people get kids, some people move countries- everybody got to serve their own passion at the end of the day. So make sure you do not get attached because then you'll lose sight and you'll lose focus on where your journey is going. So, when the time comes for you to say goodbye, just say thank you very much for being here for me and thank you for supporting me. And most important is, make sure you, on every single step of the journey, are being so supportive to everybody on your passion tribe because a passion tribe needs everybody to be supportive. You see it's like Napoleon Hill says, " With a mastermind alliance you can achieve in a year what you will never achieve in a lifetime. " So make sure you're always being productive, passionate and supportive to our passion community.Please do share your opinion with our passion community on the blog below and if you found this useful, please do share it and spread the love. It's about building a passion tribe around the world. And if you would like to get more tools, tips, techniques and stuff that I only share privately, then go to and subscribe to Passion Sundays newsletter.Until next episode, live passionately!

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Moustafa Hamwi - Keynote Speaker, Coach, Author