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Learn how to turn your passion into wildly profitable stories

February 25, 2017

World's leading public speaking expert Andy Harrington shares secrets to great storytelling

Andy Harrington is the world's leading public speaking expert and trainer who coaches Hollywood movie stars and world’s very best speakers and trainers, he shared the stage with Sir Richard Branson, Anthony Robbins, Sir Alan Sugar, Brian Tracy, Paul McKenna and Bob Proctor of The Secret.For Andy, passion has a simple definition: doing what you love. Whether it’s a presentation, a conversation, or engaging with your customers, if you love what you're doing, it's going to come through.We hear a lot about "finding your why," but Andy says there are actually two parts to this. Why are you doing what you're doing, and why are you doing it for the people you're doing it for? These questions build powerful stories that help you connect with customers.To turn passion into profit, one must also be passionate about marketing. This means telling those unique stories that add value and create trust for the communities you reach. If you follow your "why's" to this point, your passion will continue to shine.If you'd like to learn more about turning your passion into profit, watch today and don’t forget to share it around and spread the passion.Live PassionatelyMoustafa HamwiPassionpreneur & Chief Energy OfficerAward Winning Author & SpeakerAKA The Passion Guy


Moustafa: Hello everyone and welcome back to Passion Sundays, the best way to end the week and start another.Our guest today stands to be the world’s Number 1 speaker-trainer, Andy Harrington. Andy, thank you very much for being with us today!Andy: It’s a pleasure. Thank you very much for inviting me.Moustafa: I mean, you know, I’m a, I’m a passionate speaker and ah, and I love people who are helping people learn how to speak. And ah even more helping them pursue their passion through speaking. So what does passion mean to you?Andy: Well I think it’s quite simple, I think it’s in the word itself, is that. I think it’s love. I think it’s I think it’s doing what you love.Moustafa: Okay.Andy: I think when you do what you love the, the, that love vibration comes through in everything that you do. Whether it’s a, you know, a, a presentation, whether it’s a, a, a just a simple conversation with somebody, how you treat your customers, how you engage with your staff, that is if you have any. It’s everything that’s the vibration of love is resonating. We say passion really but what really it is love I mean I guess it’s just a safer word to use in business perhaps.Moustafa: Yes.Andy: And then the real true word which is love, which is loving what you do.Moustafa: I love it! So you love what you do and you get on with doing it but it doesn’t always come easy. I mean, it looks, you know, it looks easy to say “I love things!” but your love got tested along the way. So how do you find that love and that passion while things are tough?Andy: I think you ah have to recognize the, the reason you’re doing what you’re doing is because there’s that, you need to find your “why.” When you, when your “why” is strong, when you know the reasons you’re doing something, I think you need to have two “whys.” Why is, why I’m doing what I’m doing? And the second one is, why I’m doing it for the people I’m doing it for?Moustafa: Hmm.Andy: So if you know that you care and love your subject, your thing that you do, that you become an expert at, if to stay with your knowledge in and your know-how. And the second one is, caring about why you’re doing it for then as you hit those road bumps, as you will inevitably hit then if your “why” is strong enough then you’ll find those answers…Moustafa: Hmm.Andy: In your deep in your understanding and your knowledge of your ah area of expertise that you know people, or marketing or sales which is business in general, umm but it’s past the key, I mean it was Simon Sinek, wrote a book, to that medical stuff with why. Moustafa: Hmm.Andy: And he says that people don’t just buy what you do, they buy why you do it. And you know, I teach public speaking in front of, and we are here doing that right now and todays been about story-telling.Moustafa: Hmm.Andy: And that is all about ah putting together your story that illustrates your “why”?Moustafa: Umm.Andy: Why you do what you do?Moustafa: Umm.Andy: And the, the why you care about people and where did that, where did that “why” come from? It’s about taking people back to that “why.” If you look at Steve Jobs and Apple, you know, his “why” was there when he was with the company. And when he actually exited from the company ah many years ago, Apple went down, it was actually because Steve Jobs have failed at that point to ah to communicate his “why” to the people that are left. But look when the new people came in, the business people cause a, become more of a, a listing on the stock market of the company.Moustafa: Umm.Andy: Their “why” is very different to Steve Jobs’s “why”, and then you had a congruency between the staff members and the people in the board room which of course never speak or lead to conflict and the damaged part.Moustafa: That’s a very important point, that it’s not enough you know your “why”. You have to communicate your ‘why” and make sure everybody around you knows that “why” so you gotta you gotta have passion tribe, we call that a passion tribe, around you supporting you on that journey.Andy: Yeah, quite right! Because, you know, if you want your business to expand and scale then everybody in your business needs to know your “why” and in doing so it enables them to make more decisions based on that “why” principle. So it’s not just about putting a series of values on a board and saying that’s what we believe, it’s about creating a story behind the brand…Moustafa: Hmm.Andy: That illustrates that “why” and then when that story pour into by every staff member, you know, every customer. Moustafa: Uhm.Andy: Then the whole resonance of the company, vibrating a similar frequency you tend to get along with.Moustafa: Hmm. I like that! So all of this is, is nice and a lot of people are living what they love, having the passion for what they love, but turning that into a profitable business is a totally different story and I know you’re, you’re working on something now or you already released a book around turning passion into profit, will you tell us more about that?Andy: Yeah you have to be passionate about marketing. Moustafa: Oh.Andy: Because obviously marketing is about the implication of that story, the implication of the message, the implication of the service.Moustafa: Okay.Andy: I need to you have to care about that as well. You can’t compartmentalize yourself and just care about one aspect. You do have to care about the marketing aspect to the very least.Moustafa: Okay.Andy: Umm because in today’s world of marketing, we are living in age now where it-it’s no longer okay for to, for example to hire a copywriter… Moustafa: Hmm.Andy: To write a sales letter as if it came from you. Moustafa: Hmm.Andy: When it didn’t really.Moustafa: Yeah. Andy: Because marketing today is content.Moustafa: Yes.Andy: Marketing today is exactly the same way the stuff I’m doing today…Andy: Is adding value. Marketing in the past was, buy my stuff, buy my stuff, buy my stuff! Am and they even revolt those stuff are people who are ready to buy. Moustafa: Hmm.Andy: The people today that are buying are people not yet ready to buy, but what we’re doing is, we’re serving that community in advance and creating that trust such as when they’re ready to buy, we’re top of the mind thinking.Moustafa: Umm.Andy: You know, Nike for example, may have to do advert after advert after advert to get into people’s consciousness. And most TV was the medium of the hour as it isn’t today. So today we have as you are now demonstrating through your vehicle and we have that way of getting in front of people to ad value so, so really, today marketing is, is content, it’s adding value.Moustafa: Hmm.Andy: To making a difference. Umm so, that has to take and that has to come from the top.Moustafa: Hmm.Andy: That has to come from that and ah ah what you can do is well what you’re doing is very intelligent because you’re interviewing, you know, successful entrepreneurial type of the people a mix. Umm but for those people out there who, who wants to speak let’s for example, perhaps on, you know, through the creating content then capture it. And what even just, just capture content when it happens because there are times when there’s stimulating conversations taking place, there’s a moment where, you know, might be doing something or launching something. Capture that and repurpose it and use it in some way…Moustafa: Umm.Andy: Ah as a marketing piece. So in that ways which is the problem creating a specific environment which you gonna create content. Just look a way that you are already doing it, how can I record that moment.Moustafa: Hmm.Andy: Or that piece in time, and then utilize that, get it on Facebook, put it on YouTube, put it on Instagram and start to build that story. Because your story should evolve, your content have to pass story from where we were and what our why is.Moustafa: Hmm.Andy: Then next to happen is what you do every single day that capture your content should reinforce and should ultimately demonstrate that story’s continuing itself for that passion continues to shine.Moustafa: I love it! Passionately capture the moment! That’s a great way to conclude this episode. Andy thank you very much for the beautiful content that you’ve given us and the beautiful passion and I would highly recommend all our viewers to go and grab your book “Passion into Profit“…Andy: And so you can get, they can actually get a free copy.Moustafa: Okay. Andy: Ahm we just have to pay for the shipping worldwide.Moustafa: Beautiful!That’s for all of you Passion Sundays viewers, an amazing gift from Andy Harrington, a free copy and you just pay for the shipping.Andy: Yes, yes and the website to go is simply www dot expect passion into profit and ah dot co dot uk.Moustafa: Okay,, you’ll all see it down below here. Andy thank you very much for being with us today! I really appreciate it.Andy: Still appreciate it. An immense pleasure, thank you very much!Moustafa: Appreciate it, thank you!Moustafa and Andy: Passion!Moustafa: What do you think? I would really love to hear your opinion. If you found this episode useful, put your comments on the blog below and do share this episode with your friends. And if you’d like more tools, tips, techniques and exclusive interviews that I only share on my website, go to And until next episode, live passionately!

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Moustafa Hamwi - Keynote Speaker, Coach, Author