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The Chocolate Method for Dealing with Procrastination

July 21, 2016

When was the last time you procrastinated eating a chocolate?

Procrastination has a great benefit of temporary relief…at the expense of your dreams.Procrastination is not fun, actually its dangerous as it keeps you in your comfort zone for too long till it gets really difficult to get out of it which pushes you further away from making your dreams into reality.When you procrastinate you get temporary relief for sure but you pay with interest later so to give you a practical solution for procrastination we have to start by understanding why you procrastinate in the fist place which has to do with your natural protection mechanism.Then I share with you how to handle procrastination based on the same way you handle eating a chocolate, think about it…when was the last time you procrastinated eating a chocolate.One thing for sure… a year from now you are going to wish you started today, so do not procrastinate on watching this episode, go ahead watch it now and then share it and spread the love.Live PassionatelyMoustafa HamwiHello everyone, and welcome back to “Passion Sundays” The best way to end a week and start another.Procrastination, we all suffer from it. And you know what, it’s not fun. Because, it pretty much keeps pushing your dreams further and further away from you. I even suffered from procrastination for a while. And I learned that with procrastination, although you get temporary relief from doing the task now, you pay back with interest later.I kept on procrastinating pursuing my dream of becoming an International speaker and a coach for many years. And the only thing that sorted this out is when I got up and took action on the spot. And when I mean on the spot, it means I woke up one day, and I thought, ‘I’m buying a one-way ticket to India’. Few days later, I was in India.I have procrastinated so many times on so many dreams and one of them was becoming an international speaker and a coach. And the minute I decided to pursue it, I realized that I have been in my comfort zone for too long. And it took me twice the effort and hard work to be able to get to where I am today. So the best thing you can do is actually start pursuing your dreams now. And that’s why I will give you a very practical tool that helped me eliminate procrastination forever from my life, guaranteed.The first step in you getting over your procrastination is simply understanding why do you procrastinate. That is relating to an imprinted protection mechanism in you, based on your fight, freeze or flight, and the procrastination is simply freeze or flight. Now the reason for that is that you are anticipating something bad coming out of the action that you are doing, and you are not seeing the point out of what you are doing it. So as a natural protection mechanism, your system freezes and stops you from doing it. I mean, think about it. For you to leave the comfort of the known, to take actions into the unknown is a very, very illogical process.Now to fix that for you, we have to reverse the psychology and make your brain see that it’s more punishing to delay your dreams and delay taking actions than actually procrastinating.I mean when was the last time you procrastinated eating a chocolate? Probably never. Because your brain sees the value of you doing it, and actually it becomes punishing to procrastinate the joy that you were going to get at the end. So to help you get over that, grab a pen and paper. And what I want you to do is write on top, ‘If I do not pursue my goal, I will regret’. Now you have to write no less than 10, up to 50, regrets that you will have if you procrastinate taking action. Fast forward in your head hours, days, weeks, months and years and imagine if you would look back at today, and you see the result of you procrastinating, what will happen? I promise you, you’re going to have to stop yourself from taking action when you see that.So remember to take action now because tomorrow never comes. I hope you found this episode valuable and helping you live a passionate and engaging life and as I wrap up, I will leave you with one take-away to ‘Tweet & Remember’: ‘A year from now you’re going to wish you started today’.What do you think? I would love to hear your opinion. How do you beat procrastination? Share your opinion and advice with our community and do not procrastinate on doing it. If you would like to stay engaged, subscribe to our social media channels and if you want even more valuable interviews and tips & tricks on how to live passionately, then go to and subscribe to our “Passion Sundays” newsletter. Until the next episode, live passionately!

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Moustafa Hamwi - Keynote Speaker, Coach, Author