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Mindset Mastery: What sets a mediocre person apart from those who are truly successful?

April 11, 2024

"When you upgrade your habits, mindset and environment, your life will upgrade"


I love this quote. I love it because my life’s journey has always been about forward movement – about upgrading, pressing forward and squeezing the juice out of life. But in recent years I’ve come to understand that this comes part and parcel with taking a step back to heal before you slingshot into the best your future has to offer.

I truly hope you took the time to do that in the previous blogs – honouring your struggle releasing deeply held emotions, and rewriting your story. Now its time to use them to create a springboard into your future.

It’s time to Master your Mindset.

In the next four blogs, I will teach you some powerful tools and techniques used by successful people to keep you out of spirals of self-doubt, and to shift your mindset to a winning one. I can’t wait to take you through keys from neuro-linguistic programming to increase your probability of success, help you deal with self-doubt, and identify and replace your self-limiting beliefs.

But first, let's look at one very important distinction: the difference between mediocre people and successful people. After years of observation and reflection, I’ve learned the biggest difference between a mediocreperson and a high-achieving person is the way their mind functions and operates. I’ve had the honour of interviewing many elite leaders and atheletes over the years. One of the interviews that stands out for me inthis context is the one I did with Tasha Danvers, a two-time Olympian and Olympic Bronze Medallist. Shesaid to me:

When you get to a certain level, especially something like the Olympic Games, everyone has got talent. What makes the difference between those who make it to the podium, or not, is mental! There was half of a second between me and gold! What made the difference was not physical, it's mental.

Truly, our brains are like computers and our software needs to be constantly upgraded to keep on the cutting edge. Ultimately, mindset is the big difference between mediocrity and greatness.  One aspect of this is seeing challenges and struggles as “on the way” and not “in the way” which is why we’ve spent half of this journey on healing.

Now its time for mindset mastery.

Three steps to mastering your mindset and owning your future

The next four articles will deal with incredible keys to success. But first we lay the foundation. There are essentially there steps to owning your future and mastering your mindset:

1.     Believe in yourself.

2.     Deal with procrastination and self-limiting beliefs

3.     Focus on what matters.

They seem like simple statements, right? Well, I’ve learned that just because something is simple doesn’t mean it’s easy. After all, if ‘simple’ meant ‘easy’, everyone would have done it.

I’m about to take you on a journey of self-belief, where you will learn to upgrade your software and move into mastery. Congratulations on making it this far in the journey. You are truly about to become the master of your destiny, not a victim of your history. Why? Because you have courage, humility and discipline.

Lets move forward together!

Moustafa Hawmi 

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Moustafa Hamwi - Keynote Speaker, Coach, Author