Passion Sundays

From Homeless to Financial Expert and Renowned Speaker: Passion Helped Him Hold On To Hope

Financial Planner and Speaker Frank Magwegwe says passion transformed him from a broke homeless man to an acclaimed speaker.

Can passion support you when you hit rock bottom? Yes, it changes everything!
Today Frank Magwegwe is a successful financial expert, speaker, and coach. But his story started on the dangerous streets of Johannesburg. He was broke, homeless, and the future seemed bleak.
“I’m homeless, but I’m not going to be hopeless. I’m broke but I’m not broken”. While most others would have abandoned hope, Frank chose to see things differently. He felt that great things await in life. This prevented him from falling into despair and allowed him to build a new life.
Frank managed to succeed despite having nothing to rely on than his passion. He started a career in finance, and then took his passion further to teach people to thrive rather than survive.
We need to find a catalyst.” A master of his passion, Frank believes that there is greatness within every single person.
Do you want to achieve greatness and reach your true potential? Explore this resource and don’t forget to share it around and spread the passion.
Live Passionately,
Moustafa Hamwi
Passionpreneur & Chief Energy Officer
Award Winning Author & Speaker
AKA The Passion Guy

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Hi, I’m Moustafa

Dubai’s real-life “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari.” On a one-way ticket to India, I’ve gone from meeting a Swami out of 13 years in caves, to natural healing from a disease to become the Passionpreneur. I’m an international speaker and coach helping people find and pursue passion.

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